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/ The Arsenal Files 1 / The Arsenal Files (Arsenal Computer).ISO / os2_app / ld10pat.zip

Text (2)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ARSENAL.CD Text File 24 1KB 1994-01-25
README Text File 348 12KB 1994-02-23

Other Files (9)
CFMAIN.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 551KB 1994-02-04
CFPORTS.DLL MS-DOS/Windows Executable 27KB 1994-02-03
WCBSEC.DLL MS-DOS/Windows Executable 96KB 1994-01-14
WCBUAM.DLL MS-DOS/Windows Executable 97KB 1994-02-17
WCLARTSK.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 139KB 1994-02-22
WCLCPME.DLL MS-DOS/Windows Executable 21KB 1994-01-14
WCLCPMER.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 122KB 1994-01-14
WCLCPSRD.DLL MS-DOS/Windows Executable 174KB 1994-01-17
WCLSHUTL.DLL MS-DOS/Windows Executable 66KB 1994-02-04